Webhook Empty Reponse Apiai Apiai Try Again Later Response Error 206

Mistake Messages

Y'all may run into the following mistake letters while using the API Connector improver for Google Sheets.


  • drive.google.com refused to connect
  • ERROR: Please enter request name
  • Fault: Delight enter API URL path
  • ERROR: Destination canvass doesn't exist
  • Failed to run request.
  • Failed to save request as the name already exists.
  • Limit Exceeded: URLFetch URL Length.
  • Request failed: Admission not granted or expired.
  • Request failed: Aspect provided with invalid value: Header:HeaderKey
  • Request failed: Bad request
  • Request failed: Data storage error
  • Request failed: DNS fault
  • Request failed: Expected argument of blazon object, but instead had blazon boolean
  • Request failed: Expected argument of type object, but instead had blazon number
  • Asking failed: Invalid statement
  • Request failed: Invalid Postal service torso data
  • Request failed: Server response non in JSON, XML, or CSV format
  • Request failed: This action would increment the number of cells in the workbook above the limit of 10000000 cells.
  • Request failed: Your input contains more than than the maximum of 50000 characters in a unmarried prison cell
  • Request processed, no records constitute
  • ScriptError: Authorization is required to perform that action
  • Service invoked also many times for one day: urlfetch
  • We received an error from xyz.com (###)
  • Other

IMPORTAPI Mistake Letters

The following error messages are specifically associated with the IMPORTAPI custom function. For information on these errors, please check the "Mistake Messages" section of this commodity instead.

  • Unknown function: 'ImportAPI'
  • Internal error executing the custom part
  • Pagination is simply available for paid users
  • Request failed, cannot find function split up in object true
  • You do non have permission to call setValues

Error Messages

drive.google.com refused to connect

Like to the "ScriptError: Authorization is required to perform that activeness" error bulletin, this error from Google occurs when logged in into multiple Google accounts at the aforementioned time. Instead of seeing the regular add-on interface, you'll instead see an image like this:

This is a known problems, and so hopefully will exist stock-still by Google at some signal. Until so, you can resolve this consequence by logging out from all other accounts before running the improver, or by opening in a new incognito window.

Error: Please enter request name

All API requests must have a name before they can exist run. This is true even if you lot don't relieve the request. Enter a proper noun (as a best practice, choose a proper name that will hands differentiate the asking from other API requests in your canvas).

Mistake: Please enter API URL path

All API requests must comprise an API URL. This URL should consist of at least a domain proper name and endpoint, e.g. world wide web.apisite.com/v1/data. Optionally, it can also comprise query strings, e.k. www.apisite.com/v1/information?query=A&query=B.

ERROR: Destination sheet doesn't be

Y'all'll see this error if you run your request without a destination sail. To resolve, set a destination sheet in your request before clicking Run.

Failed to run request

This fault indicates that the request is unable to complete successfully, but didn't return whatsoever specific information most the cause of the trouble. The primary crusade of this error is a asking that takes besides long to consummate and therefore hits Google's six min/request processing limits as described here.

To accost, endeavour any or all of the following:

  • reduce the size of your request. Well-nigh APIs provide some mechanism for limiting response size via query strings that filter for date or blazon.
  • change the report style to "compact" or "grid", as these are usually faster than the default single row mode.
  • if yous are using pagination handling, plow off the "fetch all" option and add in a page count limit instead. When you select "fetch all", some APIs continuously ship back data such that your asking times out. Adding a folio count sets a stopping indicate so your asking doesn't run forever.
  • apply the visual field editor or a JMESPath expression to reduce the number of fields printed into your sheet.

Failed to save asking equally the proper noun already exists.

All API requests must accept a unique name. If you lot re-use a proper name that already exists, the request will not save. To resolve, modify the asking name and retry.

Limit Exceeded: URLFetch URL Length.

API Asking URLs can not be longer than 2048 characters (info).

As a workaround you can apply a URL shortener tool, e.1000. https://tinyurl.com/

Request failed: Access not granted or expired.

This error occurs when you use the OAuth ii.0 connection characteristic of API Connector. Information technology ways your connection hasn't been activated, or admission has expired. To resolve, navigate to the Connections screen and brand certain your OAuth 2.0 connection is active. If y'all are not using a preset OAuth 2.0 connection, make certain you've selected Authentication = None.

Asking failed: Attribute provided with invalid value: Header:HeaderKey

This means yous've entered an invalid header key. Please check your API documentation and make sure you've entered the header primal exactly every bit written; e.1000. if the header primal is 'api-central' make certain you lot haven't entered 'apikey'. Likewise double-check that you haven't inadvertently pasted in an errant space or other character at the beginning or end of your header cardinal.

Request failed: Bad asking

This means the API URL hostname is malformed. A request like http://87000 would trigger this error. Make sure you lot've entered a valid API URL, including a full hostname.

Request failed: Data storage error

This is a temporary problems on Google's side related to the getProperty() method for saving triggers and requests. Problems reports have been filed and acknowledged.

If yous receive this error, delight wait and endeavor your request again afterward.

Request failed: DNS error

This ways the server you're trying to achieve doesn't be or isn't responding. Check if your server has reported any outages. If not, double-check your API URL and run again.

Request failed: Expected argument of type object, just instead had type boolean

This means that the server has responded with a boolean, i.e. 'true' or 'faux', instead of a standard JSON object. API Connector only supports JSON, XML, and text/CSV responses (and receiving a true/false response to your request usually indicates some issue with the request itself).

Request failed: Expected argument of type object, but instead had type number

This means that your response output is a number when API Connector was expecting JSON. The virtually likely cause of this is a JMESPath query ready to extract just a single number. To address, make certain your query returns a valid object, e.yard. if you have a field named ID, add a JMESPath query of {id:id} rather than simply id.

Request failed: Invalid statement

This occurs when your URL contains an invalid character, like a space or bracket. There are ii common causes of this fault:

  1. copying & pasting code snippets similar 'Become' into the API URL path box. This field tin just have a valid URL.
  2. not replacing instance variables with actual values:
    Incorrect:              https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/search?role=snippet&key={API_key}            
    Right:              https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/search?office=snippet&fundamental=123456789            

Request failed: Invalid Postal service torso data

This error occurs when your POST trunk is incorrectly formatted. Ensure your POST body is valid JSON. Consult this article for more detailed instructions: Add together a Asking Torso to a POST Request

Request failed: Server response not in JSON, XML, or CSV format

This fault occurs when the server responds with data in an unsupported format, e.g. an epitome or a boolean. 1 common cause of this error is a request containing an invalid JMESPath expression.

Request failed: This activity would increment the number of cells in the workbook above the limit of 10000000 cells.

Google Sheets permits a maximum of 10 million cells (documentation) per sheet, including empty cells. Therefore, you will come across this error message from Google if your request would cause your sheet to surpass the limit. To address, effort whatsoever or all of the following:

  • Run your request in a fresh new sheet
  • Separate your requests into carve up worksheets
  • Delete any unused tabs, rows, and columns from your worksheet
  • Limit the size of the data response you're requesting
  • Use the field editor or JMESPath filters to print out fewer fields
  • Modify the report style to meaty or grid.

Asking failed: Your input contains more than than the maximum of 50000 characters in a single cell

This error occurs when the information response includes a field that contains more than 50k characters. This occasionally occurs when pulling from APIs containing text fields with a lot of content.

Request candy, no records institute

This is more of a notification than an fault message. It means that there is no issue with the setup of your API asking, but the API service returned an empty response. If you were expecting information in the response, bank check the post-obit:

  • make certain y'all've entered the correct API URL
  • remove or edit query strings that could be filtering the results, such every bit dates and IDs
  • remove any JMESPath expressions every bit they could be filtering out your results.

ScriptError: Authorization is required to perform that action

This is an fault from Chrome that sometimes occurs when y'all take multiple Google accounts open in the same session. To resolve, sign out of your other accounts, or re-open the addition in a new incognito window.

Service invoked too many times for i day: urlfetch

This error bulletin comes from Google itself. It is often, but non necessarily, associated with the IMPORTAPI custom function, as IMPORTAPI enables big volumes of API calls. Google has quotas on its usage, as described here: https://developers.google.com/apps-script/guides/services/quotas. A URL Fetch call is a request to go a URL, so one API asking is one URL fetch phone call, and URL Fetch calls are express to 20,000/day for consumer accounts.

Delight note that Google applies this limit to each individual account (each e-mail address), and sums together all the fetch calls from all the sheets you're using. This includes all scripts, functions, and other add together-ons that y'all may exist running in add-on to API Connector. Unfortunately Google doesn't provide whatsoever breakup of where URL fetch calls come from, or any indicator of how close you are to the limit, so you will need to review your sheets manually for excess URL fetch calls.

Pay special attending to functions like IMPORTJSON, GOOGLEFINANCE, and API Connector'south IMPORTAPI as these may produce URL fetch calls every minute. Please check this article for data on preventing excess recalculation.

We received an error from xyz.com (###)

This mistake message occurs when the API you lot're trying to connect to refuses to run your request and has returned an HTTP Response Condition fault code.

Showtime, click "prove response" to come across the exact error message returned past the server. This volition often warning yous to the specific nature of the problem.

Since these errors come from the API, non from API Connector, you lot may demand to cheque their API documentation to resolve the issue. You can too look upwards the HTTP fault code displayed inside the parentheses. This site contains brief explanations for all error codes: https://httpstatuses.com.


In some cases, API platforms will accept a request but return an fault bulletin containing additional requirements or information every bit their response. In those cases, their custom error message will be displayed in the output sheet.


Source: https://mixedanalytics.com/knowledge-base/api-connector-error-messages/

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