Check the Management Roles Assigned to You and Try Again

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Have y'all ever tried to sign in to the Admin App or connect to Substitution Online and been told you cannot? Practise you ever meet there's supposed to exist an e-mail zipper, but information technology'south undetectable? Do you always start thinking there are goblins denying you lot access to SharePoint from Edge? Do Microsoft deject services seem unreachable?

The dreaded error bulletin is daunting to whatever IT admin. Simply yous don't demand to apply a wooden stake to eradicate your Office 365 issues. Sometimes, applications don't play well together.

Scare away your Office 365 problems with these troubleshooting techniques. Some issues listed below have multiple potential resolutions, so if the first matter you try fails, don't surrender hope.

Don't see your problem with Office products listed beneath? Share it in the comments, or post the question to our e-mail administration user forum on ITKnowledgeExchange.

The Admin App sign-in failure

The Office 365 Admin App connects to Function 365 for It admins to view the service health dashboard and verify maintenance statuses from a mobile device. Only what happens when you endeavor to sign in to the Admin App and receive an error message about your role and permissions level?

Microsoft says if you receive an error message that says, "Administrator office required. Your username and password are right, merely you exercise not take administrator part access," or "User does non have sufficient permissions. Please contact your ambassador," and then you probably aren't assigned an admin role.

Users must be assigned to i of the v Office 365 admin roles to sign in to the Office 365 Admin App. But users assigned to an admin role can see service wellness data.

If you receive an error message stating, "That username and countersign didn't work. Try again," then cheque that you entered the right username and password in the Role 365 portal. Verify that the service wellness dashboard isn't experiencing a service incident by searching If you still receive this error bulletin later on confirming y'all have the correct username and password, and your service health dashboard is good for you, uninstall and then reinstall the Admin App on your mobile device.

The Edge and SharePoint feud

Sometimes, Edge, Microsoft'southward browser, doesn't work with the SharePoint Open up with Explorer control or elevate-and-drop listing features. Information technology's another one of the Office 365 issues that plough admins into monsters.

The Open with Explorer command opens Windows Explorer, but displays the binder on the server computer that hosts the site, non on your computer. Y'all tin can then apply the files in the folder to elevate documents into libraries, create folders, movement or copy documents in one library to another, and delete multiple documents simultaneously.

Beware: The Open with Explorer command and the Microsoft Edge browser don't work together.

If you search to a SharePoint Online library and encounter intermittent connectivity troubles, you lot may receive one of three mistake messages:

  1. Your client does not support opening this list with Windows Explorer.
  2. Nosotros're having a problem opening this location in File Explorer. Add together this website to your Trusted Sites listing and try once again.
  3. We're having a problem opening this location in File Explorer.

To open with File Explorer, you'll need to add this site to your Trusted Sites list and select the "Go along me signed in" checkbox when you sign in to the SharePoint Online site." First, troubleshoot this error past authenticating to Office 365. Next, add your SharePoint Online sites to reliable sites. Cheque the status of the WebClient service and ensure all Windows updates are applied.

If the drag-and-drop functionality won't upload files to SharePoint Online, it's because this function isn't supported by Edge yet.

Access denied when connecting to Commutation Online

Windows PowerShell runs authoritative commands and automates arrangement tasks. But if you enter an incorrect username or password, or sign in with an account that doesn't accept access to Exchange Online, you lot're doomed -- and will be shut out.

When you try to connect to Microsoft Exchange Online by using remote PowerShell, yous receive the following fault message:

[] Connecting to remote server failed with the post-obit error bulletin: Access is
denied. For more information, run into the about_Remote_Troubleshooting Aid topic.

+ CategoryInfo : OpenError: (System.Manageme....RemoteRunspace:RemoteRunspace) [].

+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : PSSessionOpenedFailed

Import-PSSession : Cannot validate argument on parameter 'Session'. The argument is null.
Supply a not-null statement and endeavour the command once more.

At D:\Users\Connect.ps1:7 char:21

+ Import-PSSession < < < < $Session

+ CategoryInfo : Invalid Data: (:) [Import-PSSession], ParameterBindingValidationException

+ FullyQualifiedErrorId :

To connect to Substitution Online, you must at least have Windows PowerShell two.0, Windows Remote Direction ii.0 (WinRM) and Background Intelligent Transfer Service four.0.

To fix this vexatious Function 365 upshot, add the user as a member of the admin role group via the Exchange admin center -- only global admins can connect to Exchange Online with PowerShell.

Invisible attachments in OWA

Additions to Outlook Web App (OWA) brand it easier for terminate users to systematize their inboxes, but nothing is like shooting fish in a barrel when y'all tin't open or view attachments.

When finish users can't access or see email attachments in OWA, a standard placeholder -- for example, "1 Zipper" -- appears, only cannot exist opened. You may receive this error message:  "Access to attachments has been blocked. Blocked attachments: <FileName>."

The reason for this inconvenience is that the zipper is blocked by Outlook Web App.

Fix this problem by irresolute the OWA mailbox policy to include desired file types and exclude undesirables, such as unknown attachments.

Beware: Changing the OWA mailbox policy to include blocked file types may make your system vulnerable to security threats.

AD FS disconnection

Trying to sign into Office 365, Intune, Azure or other Microsoft cloud services, simply failing to connect to the other side?

If users sign into a deject service with a federated user business relationship, the connexion to Agile Directory Federation Services (AD FS) will neglect if y'all try to connect remotely or employ email connections to sign in.

The failure isn't because the ghost that lives in the server room is messing with your Internet connectedness. The AD FS service might non exist exposed correctly to the Internet and your AD FS server proxy is affected, causing expired SSL certificates, incorrect IIS authentication endpoint configurations, or distrust between the Advertising FS proxy server and the Advertizement FS Federation Service.

At that place are iii possible fixes to these Office 365 issues. Get-go, troubleshoot AD FS SSL certificate bug on the AD FS server by updating the SSL certificate on the AD FS proxy server. Second, retune the Advert FS proxy server IIS authentication settings to default. And tertiary, rerun the AD FS Proxy Configuration wizard from the Administrative Tools interface.

Sharon Zaharoff is an associate site editor for Contact her at [email protected] .


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