Playing Yugioh Is Hard Because You Have to Read the Effect and Memorize Them

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Whether you take to memorize a long listing of vocabulary words for a test, several lines for a play, or anything else, there are several ways to make the process easier. Start by priming your brain with strategies that heave memorization. Then, use constructive techniques to memorize the material. You can employ additional strategies to help you primary the information.

  1. i

    Utilize an acronym to help you recall words in a specific order. An acronym is a type of mnemonic device in which the starting time alphabetic character of each word in a word, phrase, or sentence corresponds to something y'all desire to memorize. You can create your own acronym to help you remember words in a specific sequence, or simply to remember a group of words.[1]

    • For example, "Please Alibi My Dear Aunt Sally." This mnemonic is often used to assistance people call back the order of operations for solving algebra problems. P stands for parentheses, E-exponents, M-multiply, D-divide, A-add together, and S-decrease in the sentence.
    • A popular mnemonic device in the musical world is Every Expert Male child Deserves Fudge, which stands for the notes in the treble staff: EGBDF.[2]
    • The false name acronym ROY Chiliad BIV has long helped people recollect the colours in the rainbow: Red, Orangish, Yellow, Light-green, Blueish, Indigo, and Violet.[iii]
    • Math uses the acronym PEMDAS for remembering orders of operations, while English grammar uses FANBOY equally a memory tool for conjunctions.[4]
  2. 2

    Assign an paradigm to what you need to memorize. Associating an image with a word or concept is another powerful manner to commit information technology to memory.[5] Effort taking an interesting image and look at it ofttimes as you read the material you want to memorize. This can besides be very helpful for memorizing people's names.[6]

    • If you need to memorize the names of 5 coworkers yous have simply met, remember of an image that yous can associate with each person'due south name.
    • For example, you could acquaintance Charlie with the image of the cartoon graphic symbol Charlie Brown, Michael with an paradigm of the archangel Michael, Cindy with iconic supermodel Cindy Crawford, Donna with a 50s doo-wop singer, and Herbert with a bowl of sherbet.


  3. 3

    Talk out loud every bit yous report. Reading data out loud, explaining concepts to yourself, or even just making the occasional comment to yourself as you work can help to solidify the information that y'all are studying. Try talking to yourself as you study the cloth that yous demand to memorize.[vii]

    • If you are studying in a library, then make sure that yous are in a section where some racket is permitted.
  4. 4

    Make your own flashcards and study them daily. Flashcards are a classic memorization tool. Write the concept, cue, or subject on 1 side of the card, and then write the definition, line, or other details y'all need to memorize on the other side. Make sure all of the flashcards are facing in 1 direction in your stack and go through the pile. Look at the concept or cue side first and encounter if y'all can call up the definition or line on the other side. If not, read information technology a few times to commit it to retentivity. Then, move on to the next card.[8]

    • Go on through the pile in this manner to memorize the information.

    Tip: When you are studying, make sure to vary the types of information you study. For example, you might study vocabulary words for 20 minutes, and so change gears to solving do math problems for another xx minutes, and so switch over to reading textile in a textbook. This is an effective strategy for maintaining focus.[nine]

  5. v

    Write a summary for each paragraph to understand it improve. As you lot read the material that you want to memorize, write a summary of each of the paragraphs yous read. Write the summary in your own style of speaking to aid yous retain the information. This will help you to gain a basic understanding of the fabric and you may even memorize some fundamental terms and concepts in the process.[10]

    • For example, later reading a paragraph on how the heart pumps blood, explain it to yourself briefly in 1 to 2 sentences.
  6. half dozen

    Compartmentalize the data into smaller chunks. It is hard to memorize long strings of numbers and words, such as identification numbers or lines in a play. If yous need to memorize a large amount of material, break it down into more manageable chunks to brand it easier on yourself. Some ways you tin can do this include:[11]

    • Colour-coding your notes by topic.
    • Memorizing a three to iv-word phrase or iii to 4 numbers at a time.
    • Focusing on the key terms in ane paragraph or folio in a textbook.
  7. 7

    Endeavour rhyming mnemonic devices to call up dates and other facts. Your brain may observe it easier to recall certain facts if y'all put them into the form of a rhyme. Choose a appointment, fact, or other important particular that you demand to memorize. Then, choose a discussion that rhymes with it and create a short rhyming sentence. Some popular rhyming mnemonic devices include:[12]

    • In fourteen hundred ninety-two, Columbus sailed the sea blue.
    • Thirty days has September, April, June, and November.
  8. 8

    Write the data out over and over again. Hand-writing is a powerful tool for memorization, and it is even more effective if you do it repeatedly. Become out a pen and paper and start hand-writing what you lot need to memorize. You can write out your lines for a play, definitions for key terms, math equations, or whatever it is you need to commit to memory.[xiii]

    • If you adopt, y'all can also tape yourself reading the information and and so listen to the recording repeatedly. This is a adept option if you accept a log commute or if you just learn meliorate by hearing things.


  1. 1

    Relate the information to something you lot already sympathise. Choose a topic that interests you lot and that yous understand very well. Then, find a style to chronicle the information you need to memorize to the subject y'all already sympathize.[14]

    • For example, you could chronicle the material you lot demand to memorize for a math test to the rules of baseball if you are a sports fan, or use a cooking analogy to help you recall a chemical science concept if you are a fan of cooking.
  2. two

    Memorize the information over several days or weeks. The sooner you start memorizing, the better! It takes time and repetition to memorize something. Plan to begin memorizing the material at least 1 week in advance, and even sooner if possible. Work on memorizing the material for a gear up corporeality of fourth dimension every day. The fourth dimension you will need volition vary depending on the corporeality of material you lot need to memorize.[15]

    • For instance, if yous need to memorize 20 new vocabulary words for a exam, and so you might merely need to written report for 30 minutes per twenty-four hours over the form of a week.
    • However, if you lot need to memorize lines for a leading office in a play, and then you will need to start memorizing 3 to 4 weeks in advance and programme to report your lines for at least an hr daily.
  3. 3

    Quiz yourself on the material you accept studied. Y'all might find the material familiar when y'all re-read it and recall that this means you have memorized information technology. Still, this is not an authentic manner to check for memorization. Self-testing is better for seeing how well you are retaining the material. Try to call back the information without looking at your notes. If y'all tin can recall the information accurately without help, then you have memorized information technology.[sixteen]

    • For case, if y'all need to be able to explain photosynthesis for a science test, and so see if you can do this without checking your notes start.
    • If you demand to exist able to recite a verse form from memory, so endeavour to recite it.
  4. four

    Teach other people what you have learned. Teaching other people the cloth that you have studied is some other potent mode to commit it to memory. Afterward you have studied the material and feel that yous have a good understanding of it, effort to explain it to a friend or family member. If yous can do this without checking your notes, then you have memorized the information.[17]

    Tip: If you lot bask teaching others, yous might consider working as a tutor. This is a dandy mode to help other people acquire and solidify the concepts in your ain heed besides.


  1. 1

    Exercise regularly to heave your memory and cognitive role. Try to exercise for xxx minutes on at least 5 days each calendar week to proceed your mind sharp. You can besides attempt working out right earlier you lot start memorizing for extra brain-boosting benefits.[18]

    • You don't accept to go far a long workout to reap the benefits of do for better memorization. Even taking a xv-infinitesimal walk earlier you start studying tin can aid.[nineteen]
    • Doing xx minutes of yoga before working on memorizing something is another great way to boost your encephalon role.[20]
  2. 2

    Drinkable a cup of light-green tea before you start memorizing. Dark-green tea has been show to boost cerebral function more than other types of beverages. Brand yourself a cup of regular or decaf light-green tea and sip it before or during your study session. The extra boost of caffeine in regular greenish tea may also be helpful.[21]

    • You can drink green tea hot or iced.
  3. 3

    Create an surround that is free from distractions. Avoid multitasking while yous memorize, such as checking your social media accounts or texting friends. This volition interfere with your ability to focus on the chore at manus. Put away your telephone, turn off the Television receiver, and ask members of your household not to disturb y'all while you are studying.[22]

    • If you lot take trouble staying focused, try setting modest goals and rewarding yourself with a short break each time you come across ane of them. For example, you could brand information technology your goal to focus on studying for 25 minutes, and so reward yourself with a v minute break.

    Tip: Check out apps for fugitive distractions. You can download an app that will advantage you for not checking social media or other outlets on your phone, such as past creating an interesting blitheness the longer you go without closing the app.

  4. iv

    Plan to memorize in the afternoon rather than in the morning or evening. Afternoon may exist the time when y'all experience the to the lowest degree alert, simply it has also been shown to be a strong time to piece of work on memorizing new information. If yous have been struggling to recollect the textile you are studying, try memorizing information technology in the afternoon instead of in the forenoon or at night.[23]

    • For example, you could piece of work on memorizing at around 2 or three pm.
  5. v

    Go a good night of slumber earlier you start memorizing. Being well-rested has a far-reaching impact on your ability to memorize. To give yourself the best possible gamble of retaining information, go to bed early on plenty to get a full 8 hours of sleep.[24]

    • Try going to bed a little before than you unremarkably practice, such as 10:00 pm if you normally got to bed at x:xxx pm.
    • Make your bedroom a relaxing infinite that you but use for slumber. Don't work, eat, or do other daytime activities in your sleeping accommodation.


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  • Question

    How do I study for a test that I have tomorrow?

    Community Answer

    You lot can try repetition with the term and definition, which should help. Also, make sure you lot take a break every 30 minutes or and then, because your brain can't handle so much information at one time. The break volition allow your brain to refresh in gild to process the data that you are studying.

  • Question

    How can I memorize something in one 60 minutes?

    Community Answer

    Proceed writing it out on a whiteboard. Take sure words out at a fourth dimension to see if you can remember them words. When yous're gear up, rub out all the words and try write them all out by memory.

  • Question

    Which is the fastest and easiest method for memorization?

    Community Answer

    Repetition. If you have terms and definitions, practise either terms and respond with definitions offset, or definitions beginning and reply with the right term.

  • Question

    How do I memorize and call back that particular note for months and months?

    Community Answer

    Understand what you memorize then memorize it. Be confident that you will definitely remember information technology and regularly await over it.

  • Question

    How do you quickly memorize something for the adjacent solar day?

    Community Answer

    Repetition is the central to learning fast. Walk around while learning. Read again and again, and exam yourself by making questions.

  • Question

    Is there a quick and efficient mode for me to memorize things?

    Community Answer

    Taking a fish oil supplement can help with memory. Try writing things downwards over and over again or repeating things out loud over and over again. Flashcards tin besides be useful.

  • Question

    What are some means to memorize medical terminology?

    Community Answer

    Pretend you have to teach what you accept to memorize. Then practice using a white board and writing main concepts out in full later you re-read your terms.

  • Question

    What is the quickest manner to memorize if I acquire best through listening?

    Community Answer

    You lot tin tape yourself reading or teaching the material you're trying to memorize, then play it back and listen to it to commit information technology to retention. If you're trying to memorize class material, you can take a recording device to class and tape your teacher'due south lectures for the same purpose. Keep in mind that you may have to talk to your teachers or go through your school to get approval for this.

  • Question

    How can I memorize history for class in a short time?

    Community Answer

    Read it over numerous times, write information technology out numerous times, and so speak information technology numerous times until you are sure of yourself.

  • Question

    Why practice I need to motion around while studying?

    Community Answer

    Moving around can aid yous memorize facts and ideas easier.

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Article Summary X

To memorize something, figure out what learning style works all-time for you. You can exist an auditory, visual or tactile learner. If you're more of an auditory learner, try repeating whatever information technology is you lot want to memorize out loud to yourself over and again. Or, you can heed to a recording of information technology on repeat. Alternatively, if you're a visual learner, try creating images using the information yous're trying to memorize, or rewriting your notes several times. You can also color lawmaking a hard re-create of the data using highlighters then it's easier to learn. On the other hand, if you lot're a tactile or kinesthetic learner, endeavour using physical objects, like flashcards, stickers, and newspaper cut-outs. Additionally, you tin act out whatsoever it is you're trying to memorize so it sticks in your listen better.

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